Guarantee Your Returns.
Protect Your Lifestyle.

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About Stokes
Retirement Group

Stokes Retirement Group is a financial services firm based out of the Pittsburgh area. We believe in and focus on educating retirees and pre-retirees about the importance of proper retirement income planning and how early preparation has the potential to help them reach a lifestyle that allows them to pursue each of their unique goals and dreams.

Whether you’re currently in retirement or just beginning your career, we value the protection of your lifestyle and your retirement savings over everything else. It’s never too late, or too early, to implement financial strategies and solutions that can guide you to a long, safe, sustainable retirement.

Our Services

Retirement Income Planning

Stokes Retirement believes that a plan for your retirement income is the key to creating a comfortable lifestyle. Our solution is simply educating you about non-traditional options that allow you to participate in market upside without exposing you to market decline. Above all, we value solutions that we consider safe, giving you guarantees with your retirement accounts and income. Through products with guaranteed growth and principal protection, we can help you mitigate the many risks of retirement.


With a protection-based approach, we can help you assemble a financial plan with your goals in mind, no matter what they may be. We believe that plan starts with defending everything you’ve already accumulated, all while allowing you the opportunity to grow your assets and reach your objectives. A plan with defined, measurable checkpoints can be the catalyst in your mission to reach your desired lifestyle, and Stokes Retirement is here as your partners on the journey toward financial safety, security and comfortability.


Though no one likes to think about it, an estate plan is the best way to protect your assets, even when you’re no longer using them. All with the goal of avoiding the dreaded tax bomb, we can work with estate planning attorneys to ensure you’re properly positioned to transfer your valued assets to your beneficiaries in the most tax-advantaged manner possible. That way, your legacy and your future are determined by your heirs and those closest to you, not expensive probate courts that don’t understand your goals, priorities and relationships.


Modern life insurance policies are no longer as inflexible and one-note as they once were. They’re now customizable, with options that allow you to tailor your policy to your unique situation and needs. They can also offer you a vehicle to create an income stream for yourself in retirement while still providing the classic benefit of life insurance, a death benefit for your heirs who may not be able to protect themselves in the event of the worst. We work with a wide variety of carriers to find a policy that matches the goals of you and your family.


One of retirement’s greatest risks is longevity risk, or the potential to run out of money. When the cost of a room in a nursing home can reach $100,000 per year, it’s easy to see how long-term care can quickly deplete your savings. Furthermore, extended stays are not covered by Medicare because assisted living is considered a lifestyle expense rather than a healthcare expense. We can help you explore options that pay for long-term care if you need it and provide a death benefit to your heirs if you don’t.

Fixed Indexed

Traditionally, retirement accounts like IRAs and 401(k)s invest the money you need for retirement into unpredictable and volatile markets. A fixed indexed annuity, however, is a contract between you and an insurance company that guarantees a rate of growth as well as principal protection. Stokes Retirement is an agnostic firm with exclusive access to proprietary fixed indexed annuity products, and we can help you determine if a protection-based approach can help you reach your goals and the retirement lifestyle you want and deserve.

Our Founder

Our founder, Nolan Stokes, brought Stokes Retirement’s philosophies to life with one mission: to help our clients reach the retirement lifestyles they desire and deserve. Our firm is constantly working to devise income strategies that protect wealth, distribute it efficiently and transfer it in a tax-advantaged way, helping you secure your ideal lifestyle.

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Featured Media

Our founder, Nolan Stokes, brought Stokes Retirement’s philosophies to life with one mission: to help our clients reach the retirement lifestyles they desire and deserve. Our firm is constantly working to devise income strategies that protect wealth, distribute it efficiently and transfer it in a tax-advantaged way, helping you secure your ideal lifestyle.

Decumulation vs. Accumulation 3:29

Retirement planning comes in two distinct stages: accumulation and decumulation. Here’s how planning for both can help you transition into retirement and change your future!

How Required Minimum Distributions Work 4:07

Required Minimum Distributions, also known as RMDs, must be withdrawn from your tax-deferred accounts starting when you turn 73. Here is everything you need to know about them!

What is a Fixed Indexed Annuity? 3:49

As a contract rather than a market investment, a fixed indexed annuity can diversify your portfolio by adding an asset class that protects principal and guarantees a rate of growth.

Contact Us

Ready to book an appointment with us? We’re ready to help. Please use our contact form below to ask us any questions you may have or tell us your main area of concern regarding your future and your retirement. We will respond shortly to schedule a meeting that will prepare you for a comfortable future and a lifetime of income security. We look forward to the chance to work with you.

This job allows me to act as guide for my clients as they work toward their goals. I believe in a client-first approach, and the opportunity to support them through their journey gives me a great sense of satisfaction.

— Nolan Stokes

Financial Professional